Principal Message

We are happy to present overall scenario of the College in front of you through this website.  We are moving towards new academic year 2023-24.  It is my pleasure to welcome you all at this juncture.  It is the only Govt. Post Graduate College of the border district Chamoli (Uttarakhand) situated in the lower Himalayan Zone of Garhwal Himalaya at Gopeshwar.  College is continuously moving towards academic excellence through active participation of every stakeholder.  National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has also put the College in 'A' grade after overall assessment in February 2016.   
There are four U.G. and three P.G. programmes along with vocational courses. Students actively participate in N.C.C, N.S.S, Rovers Rangers, Sports Cultural and student Union activities.  Other support services such as SC/ST coaching, Carrier counseling, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Convergence Scheme, IGNOU Study Centre, Uttarakhand Open University study centre, SC/ST Remedial Coaching schemes are facilitated to students.  The student enrolment   during 2015-16 sessions was about 3000.   Our learned teachers actively participate in all academic activities other than the classroom teaching.  Non-teaching staff ably supports the college in every aspect.  
Our college does not allow any activity that comes under ragging. If there is any complaint about the ragging or ifanyone is involved in ragging and found guilty byanti-ragging squad or committee, he/she will be penalized as per rule.
As far as the annual results of students is concerned, it has always been encouraging. Our success story continues in the form of up-gradation of five subjects to P.G. level namely Geology, Sanskrit, History, Defence and Strategic Studies and Education for which clearance has already come from the Govt. of Uttarakhand. At present the evening classes of   B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com are being carried out.
We are committed to maintain our excellence and also welcome the guardians and local bodies to come forward for this purpose. The students are expected to attend the classes and participate in class room, seminars, excursion  and other extra-curricular activities on regular basis. The college has started evening classes for the students. Currently 06 research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. Programme, 04 in hindi, 01 in history and 01 in economics under the guidance of learned college faculty. 
Once again we cordially welcome the students who are seeking fresh admission in our college and invite all the students to come forward with their full potential to achieve their goals and help to maintain excellent academic environment in the institution.
Prof. M.P. Nagwal